Saturday, February 23, 2019

4 Warning Signs of ADHD in Adults

Signs of ADHD in Adults

ADHD is a disorder that is usually associated with children, but did you know that adults can have the disorder too? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and about four percent of adults have it and many others have it but have not been diagnosed. A diagnosis is important.
Adults do not show the obvious signs that are present in children, such as running and jumping constantly. Children with ADHD may be overly energetic while adults just feel edgy or restless. 

However, if you are an adult who think you may have ADHD, you may recall being antsy in your seat at school or being overly energetic as a child. This is often the case that adults with ADHD can remember times in their childhood in which they noticed signs of ADHD.

ADHD seems to have a slight genetic component. If one family member has it, there is a 25 to 35 percent chance that someone else in the family has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A lot of times, if a parent takes a child to be diagnosed with ADHD, the parent can then recall some of the same symptoms that they had as a child.

Here are some of the Symptoms of ADHD in Adults:

  1. First, a newly formed relationship seems exciting and interested at first, but once the relationships becomes a routine and is predictable, the ADHD adult ends the relationship because the fun factor is no longer there. This behavior is often viewed by others as self-centered.
  2. A second sign of adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is living deadline to deadline. Adults with ADHD often procrastinate and wait until the last minute to get important things done. This is because adults with ADHD focus better when they’re under pressure.
  3. A third sign of adult ADHD is being drawn to activities that are stimulating. They may engage in risky behaviors like fast driving and gambling. The key is to channel this energy and this need for stimulation into things that are appropriate for your life and don’t jeopardize your family or job.
  4. The fourth sign of adult ADHD is misplacing things. You may have ADHD if you’re constantly searching for your cell phone and keys.

All of these symptoms of Adult ADHD could be a sign of a problem. If you notice any of them in yourself, call your doctor today for a diagnosis and to get treatment.

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